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Duke of Gloucester Visits Hunting Exhibition
ROYAL: Duke of Gloucester joins in the Belvoir Hunt (1937)
The Prince of Wales and Prince Henry attend a drag hunt (1923)
ROYAL: Duke and Duchess of Gloucestershire take trip on scenic railway at Empire Exhibition (1938)
GIBRALTAR / ROYAL: Lord Gort shows Duke of Gloucester improved defences of the Rock (1941)
ROYAL: Duke of Gloucester opens Bournemouth's new Pavilion (1929)
Duke and Duchess of Gloucester visit Northern Ireland (1935)
ROYAL: Duke of Gloucester visits Londonderry (1935)
The King and Queen on a hunt (1920)
Prince Henry At 83rd Royal Show (1924)
Duke of Gloucester visits Gibraltar, under command of General Lord Gort (1941)
Duke Of Gloucester In Exeter (1937)